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How to Deploy a Viking RescYou Life Raft

How to Deploy a Viking RescYou Life Raft - Life Raft Professionals

Benjamin Brandano |

When you are out in the open waters, a liferaft can mean the difference between life and death. The ability to successfully deploy your liferaft during a maritime emergency is an invaluable skill that every seafarer should acquire. Fortunately, modern liferafts are designed to be simple and intuitive to use, inflating within seconds and requiring minimal physical effort. We will guide you through the step-by-step process of deploying your liferaft correctly and efficiently.

1. Secure the Painter Line

The painter line is a line, approximately 30 feet (10 meters) long, that is attached to the liferaft. To begin the deployment, fasten this line to a strong point on your boat, preferably a cleat. This line is crucial as it ensures the liferaft remains attached to your vessel during deployment.

2. Prepare for Deployment

To prepare for throwing the liferaft overboard, first, pull out about 10 feet (3 meters) of the painter line. Importantly, there's no need to open the valise or remove the plastic strapping on the container before deployment. These modern liferafts are designed to deploy while still packed in their storage container.

3. Throw the Liferaft Overboard

Life rafts are naturally buoyant and will not sink, so do not deploy the liferaft on deck. Instead, toss it overboard. You should aim to deploy the liferaft to the leeward side, using the vessel to shield the raft from wind and waves. However, if the vessel is on fire, launch the liferaft to the windward side to avoid the smoke and flames.

4. Deploying the Life Raft

Once the container or valise is in the water and the painter line is secured to your vessel, grab the painter line with both hands and give it a hard, continuous pull. This action triggers the CO₂ inflation mechanism inside the life raft. You’ll feel resistance as the raft starts to inflate.

5. Board the Liferaft

Once the liferaft is in the water, pull it toward the vessel using the painter line. If possible, jump directly from the vessel into the liferaft, trying to stay as dry as possible. This is safer and more efficient than trying to swim to the raft.

5. Stay Attached Unless Necessary

Maintain the connection between the liferaft and the vessel by keeping the painter line attached, unless the vessel is sinking or on fire. If you need to sever the line, a knife can be found attached to the upper buoyancy tube on the right-hand side of the canopy entrance.

6. Use Signal Flares Wisely

Signal flares are an essential part of your emergency toolkit, but they should only be used when you are sure that help is within sight. Premature use may result in wasted resources and a decreased chance of rescue.

7. Read the Manual

The manual included with the liferaft contains detailed step-by-step emergency instructions. Make sure you read and familiarize yourself with these instructions before setting sail. Knowledge and preparation can be the most crucial elements in a crisis situation.

Knowing how to deploy a liferaft is a fundamental part of safety at sea. While we hope that you never find yourself in a situation where you need to use this knowledge, being prepared can save lives. Remember: your liferaft is your life insurance on the open seas – know how to use it.

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